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Gender and Sexual Diversity


Welcoming the Rainbow

Online professional learning for supporting and affirming 2-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, and sexual and gender diverse (2SLGBTQ+) children and families.

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Sexual & Gender Diversity - Parents

happy kids together

Within this article it evaluates different terminology to do with gender diversity and sexual orientation. It also provides caregivers with tips and strategies to support children with diversity surrounding gender and sex.

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Sex, gender and sexual orientation: An overview

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It is common for people to confuse sex, gender and sexual orientation, but they are all different things. Read more to better understand the complete story of who your child is on the inside and how they want to present to the world.

Questioning gender and identifying as transgender

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Your child’s gender identity is something that they come to understand for themself. If your child is questioning their gender, read more to find out if they might identify as transgender.

Using gender-inclusive language

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No matter how others identify, it is important to respect the words people use to describe themselves. Learn tips about how to be more gender-inclusive and use gender-neutral language.

Gender and identity: Support and resources

Here is list of resources for young people who may be questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation.

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The right to safe spaces

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Everyone has the right to receive care and services in a safe and welcoming environment. Learn more about your rights to safe spaces at school, work and in health-care environments.

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The difference between sexual orientation and gender identity

sexual orientation

This video explains the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity in greater detail.

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I've lived as a man & a woman -- here's what I learned | Paula Stone Williams | TEDxMileHigh

man sitting talking

The video discusses the perspective of living as both a male and a women, and takes into deeper consideration the adversity and diversity.


Toolkit for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression

lady shaking hand

This toolkit provides activities and discussions on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gernder expression. 

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Children's Books About Gender Roles and Stereotypes

This resource provides a list of books that challenge traditional gender norms and illustrate diverse characters.

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Early Childhood: Learning About Gender Diversity

This resource suggests books for early childhood on gender diversity in support of positive gender identity development.

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Top 10 sex education books that kids will actually enjoy

This resource suggests books for sex education, appropriate for early childhood. 

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Caring for Kids

This resource provides valuable knowledge on the development of gender identity through the age of 2 and 8 and also how to support children in their gender identity.

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Gender Spectrum

Gender spectrum provides many valuable resources for educators in understanding gender, mental health, and many other topics. 

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Practical Tools and Strategies

Lesson Plans to Create Gender Expansive Classrooms

This resource provides lesson plans that can help in supporting non-binary and transgender students and in creating an inclusive environment for all students.

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Four Ways to Teach Gender Equity in your Classroom

This resource provides a few ways of teaching gender equity in the classroom through addressing your own bias and  understanding intersectionality.

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